What are the best sources to hire from?

By GigVistas Marketing Team

Feb 28, 2023

2 min read
What are the best sources to hire from?

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The hiring source is the place or method used to find and attract job candidates. The hiring source is important because it can impact the quality and diversity of the candidate pool. The best sources to hire from can vary depending on the industry, job type, and location. 

Here are some reasons why the hiring source is important:


  • Quality of candidates: The hiring source can impact the quality of candidates. Some sources, such as employee referrals, may yield high-quality candidates who are already known to current employees. Other sources, such as job boards, may attract a larger volume of candidates, but not necessarily the highest quality.


  • Diversity of candidates: The hiring source can impact the diversity of candidates. Some sources, such as college recruiting programs, may attract a more diverse group of candidates. Other sources, such as employee referrals, may result in a less diverse candidate pool.


  • Cost: The hiring source can impact the cost of recruiting. Some sources, such as social media and job boards, may be less expensive than others, such as recruiting firms.


  • Time-to-hire: The hiring source can impact the time it takes to fill a job opening. Some sources, such as employee referrals and social media, may result in a faster time-to-hire than others.


  • Brand awareness: The hiring source can impact brand awareness. Some sources, such as recruiting firms and college recruiting programs, may increase brand awareness among job candidates. Other sources, such as job boards, may not have as much impact on brand awareness.


Here are some common sources to consider when hiring:


  • Job Boards: Posting job openings on popular job boards, such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and GigVistas, can help attract a large pool of candidates.


  • Referrals: Asking for referrals from current employees or professional networks can be an effective way to find qualified candidates who may not be actively looking for a job.


  • Recruitment Agencies: Partnering with recruitment agencies or headhunters can help you tap into a wider network of candidates and access candidates with specialized skills.


  • Job Fairs: Participating in job fairs can help you connect with a large number of potential candidates in person and provide an opportunity to promote your organisation's culture.


By using a variety of sources to hire from, you can increase the likelihood of finding the right candidate for the job.

GigVistas Marketing Team

GigVistas Marketing Team

GigVistas Marketing Team